2016 already! Where did 2015 go? Well, I for one am glad it’s over. As with most people, we saw our fair share of ups and downs. The downs however, seemed to outweigh the ups, so I resolve to forget them. That is my ONLY resolution, and it can’t be considered a “New Year Resolution,” because every day upon waking, I wipe my brain of the downs from the previous day. It’s how I survive. It’s how I smile.
In the past few days I have been asked numerous times about what our New Year resolutions were. When I said we didn’t have any, I got blank stares. Is it so odd to not make a promise you won’t keep? You see all these “New Year, New Me,” posts. GAG! Hey, I’m all for people wanting to better themselves and their families, but really, let’s be honest. How many people stick to these resolutions? According to Forbes, only EIGHT percent. Yes, you read that right. Only 8% of people actually stick to their resolutions.
So excuse me if I WANT to be in the minority here. If I don’t make big resolutions, then I won’t break them. Also, if I want to better my life, or my families life, I want to do so 365 days a year, not just when it’s socially expected. You may think I’m being bitter, or trying to rebel. I assure you, I’m not. This is me. It’s who I’ve always been. I have only ever made ONE resolution in my 36 years of life. That was to quit smoking. I didn’t achieve that goal until March of that year. I started vaping, and thanks to that, I have been cig free for almost three years. I am even down to only 6 mg of nicotine, which is awesome. It wasn’t a “New Year Resolution,” though. It was a birthday resolution. To better my health and my family.
If you did make a resolution, I’m happy for you. I don’t hope you’ll fail. Quite the opposite in fact. I hope you too, are in the minority. I hope that you all up the success rate of resolutions. I hope that in 2017, 92% of people keep their resolutions. That would make for a great world, wouldn’t it?
The post Resolutions are Broken Promises appeared first on Kellys Thoughts On Things.